所需材料可做8个玛德琳小蛋糕。预热烤箱至180度 All ingredients can make 8 Madeleines, pre heat oven to 180 C.
在玛德琳的烤盘上均匀喷上油,再撒上一层面粉,将剩余的面粉拍下来,放入冰箱冷藏备用。 Spray cooking oil on the pan, and then dust some flour as well, flap off any excess flour before putting in the fridge.
打发鸡蛋,加入红糖和蜂蜜,打至鸡蛋颜色变浅。 Beat egg, add brown sugar and honey until egg become pale.
加入面粉和泡打粉,过筛。 Shift in flour and baking power together into egg mixture.
翻拌面糊直至均匀。 Cut and fold, mix well.
加入冷却后的融化黄油,搅拌均匀。 Pour in cooled metled butter into the batter, and mix well.
将面糊加入到备好的烤盘内,在膜具中间的部位加,大概3/4的位置,用牙签戳破表面的气泡。 Drop large tablespoonfuls of batter into the centre of each pan, popped the air bubbles by using toothpick.
放入预热好的烤箱,烤10-12分钟直至表明棕黄。 Put into the pre-heat oven, bake for 10 to 12 minutes.
烤好后放在架子上晾凉,放入密封的饭盒内保存,不要放入冰箱。常温可以保存5天。 Cooling rack to let the Madeleines cool down, and then storage them in a airtight container. Do not put into fridge, can storage them up to 5 days.