盐焗乳鸽 baked squab in salt(0/8)
rinse the squab and pat them dry 乳鸽洗净并抹干水
mix the salt sugar and white pepper 将盐糖胡椒粉混合
season the squab with the mixture,coat all over 用之前的混合物把乳鸽涂抹均匀
put some green onion and ginger into the chest of the squab 将姜葱放入乳鸽的肚
put the other in the rice cooker 将其余的姜葱放入电饭煲
put the squab in the rice cooker 将乳鸽放入电饭煲内
select the rice cooking program.It takes around 30mins,and another 10 to finish 选择煮饭的程序,大约需要30分钟,然后焗多十分钟
finished!!!delicious delicious delicious