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热心网友 山宴会料理 Yama Kaiseki Dinner /席开胃菜Appetizer 极品小菜Seasonal Dish 清汤Clear Soup生鱼片Raw Fish 烧烤物Broiled Dish 煮物Stewed Dish油炸物Fried Fish 醋拌物Vinegarish Dish 主食Rice or Noodle 水果Fruit涮牛肉火锅 Beef Shabushabu 蔬菜Vegetable 牛肉Beef 乌冬面Noodle煎牛肉火锅 Beef Sukiyake 鸡肉海鲜火锅 Yosenabe 生鱼片 SASHIMI什锦生鱼片(梅) Assorted Sashimi Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Sea Urchin什锦生鱼片(竹) Assorted Sashimi 二 Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Ark shell什锦生鱼片 Assorted Sashimi 四 Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Sea Urchin什锦生鱼片船(小) Tokusen moriawase special selection of sliced raw fish(Small)什锦生鱼片船(大) Tokusen moriawase special selection of sliced raw fish(Big)金枪鱼 Tuna 三文鱼 Salmon 墨斗鱼 Cuttlefish 黄狮鱼 Yellow Tail 雪鱼籽 Cod roe with chili 醋腌青花鱼 Mackerel 金枪鱼腩 Tuna fatty meat 章鱼 Octopus 海胆 Sea Urchin 加吉鱼 Sea Bream 赤贝 Ark shell 北寄贝 Bei Ji Shell 扇贝 Scallop 油炸物 Fried Fishes炸鸡肉 Fried Chicken 炸豆腐 Fried Tofu 炸虾排 Fried Shrimps 炸牡蛎 Breaded deep-fried oysters served with home-style sauce醋拌小菜 Vinegarish Dish醋拌章鱼 Vinegarish Octopus 醋拌什锦鱼贝类 Assorted Vinegarish Seafood 醋拌海蛰 Vinegarish Jelly Fish 醋拌裙带菜 Vinegarish Keip 烧烤类 Broiled Dishes汁烤鸡排 Broiled chicken leg with teri yaki sance 烤多春鱼 Grilled Smelts 酱烤鳕鱼 Broiled Codfish 盐烤鲭花鱼 Broiled Mackerel 烤鳗鱼 Broiled River Eel 盐烤三文鱼 Grilled head of salmon 盐烤秋刀鱼 Grilled Sanma with Salt 烤鱿鱼 Broiled Cuttlefish 烤加吉鱼头 TAI-KABUTOYAKI 烤黄狮鱼 Grilled head of Yellowtail 烤三文鱼 Grilled head of salmon 烤茄子 Broiled egg plant with comdiments 烤三文鱼皮 盐烤三文鱼腩 精制小菜 Dishes to Compliment your Choice煮什锦蔬菜 Stewed Assorted Seasonal Vegetables 煮加吉鱼头 Stewed Head of Red Snapper 肉豆腐 Simmered Tofu&Beef; 冷豆腐 Fresh Soybean Cake 盐水毛豆 Boiled Green Soybeans 罗卜泥拌红鱼籽 Salmon Roe with Grated Radish 鳕鱼籽拌墨鱼 Cuttlefish with Codfish Roe 咸鱿鱼 Marinated Squid 日式沙拉 Japanese Style Salad 蒸鸡蛋羹 Steamed Egg Custard 金枪鱼纳豆 Tuna Sashimi with Fermented Soybeans 炒蔬菜 Stir Vegetable 烤雪鱼籽 Broiled Cod roe with Chill 辣味墨鱼须 炒牛榜 姜汁炒猪肉 牛肉蒜片 拌煎牛肉 萝卜泥拌滑子蘑 汁腌季节青菜 黄瓜沾酱 日本黄咸菜 中华冷豆腐 日式洋葱沙拉样 蒸牛舌 金针菇牛肉卷 烤安康鱼肝 烤鱼饼 菠菜炒鸡蛋 天妇罗 Deep Fried Dishes什锦天妇罗(花) Assorted Deed Fried Items(Prawm ,Fish,Vegetable) 什锦天妇罗(月) Deluxe Assorted Deed Fried Items(Prawm ,Fish,Vegetable)什锦蔬菜天妇罗 Assorted Deed Fried Vegetables 炸大虾天妇罗(只) Prawn tempura 天妇罗零点 Tempura A La Carte虾(本) Prawn(Two Pieces) 白身鱼(本)Line Fish(Two Pieces) 墨斗鱼(本) Cuttle Fish(Two Pieces) 扇贝(本) Scallpo (Two Pieces) 炸虾、墨斗鱼饼(个)Mixture of prawn and cuttlefish 炸什锦蔬菜饼(个) Mixture of Vegetables(One piece) 香菇 Deep Fried Black Mushroom 茄子 Deep Fried Eggplant 藕 Lotus 青椒 Spanish Paprika 胡萝卜 Carrot 玉葱 Onion 白薯 Sweet Potato 芦笋 Asparagus 寿司 Sushi什锦寿司拼盘(梅) Standard Assorted Sushi 什锦寿司拼盘(竹) Deluxe Assorted Sushi 什锦寿司拼盘(松) Superior Assorted Sushi 生鱼片盖交饭 Sliced Raw over Sushi Rice Served In a Bowl 零点寿司 Sushi A La Carte金枪鱼 Tuna 黄狮鱼 Yellow tail 加吉鱼 Red Snapper 三文鱼 Salmon 墨鱼 Cuttlefish 章鱼 Octopus 烤鸡蛋 Egg 虾 Prawn 赤贝 Ark Shell 扇贝 Scallop 海胆 Sea Urchin 三文鱼籽 Salmon Roe 飞鱼籽 Flying Fish Roe 醋腌青花鱼 Mackerel 鳗鱼 Eel 金枪鱼腩Tuna Fatty meat 卷物 Roll Sushi葫芦卷 Bocky Roll 黄瓜卷 Cucumber Roll 黄咸菜卷 Pickle Roll 梅肉紫菜卷 SuShi with Plum 金枪鱼卷 Tuna Roll 特制粗卷 Big Roll 加州卷 California Roll 加州手卷 California Roll(Hand Rolled) 纳豆卷 Fermented soy beans rolled in seaweed 葱卷三文鱼腩 Marinated salmon with green onion 主食 Rice And Soup鳗鱼饭 Grilled Eel over Rice 炸猪排盖饭 Deep Fried Pork in Egg on Rice 天妇罗盖饭 Tempura Selection on Rice 烧牛肉盖饭 Fried Beef and Rice 茶泡饭(紫菜、梅子、三文鱼) Heat Rice in hot green tea with your choice of seaweed,plum or salmon泡饭(鸡蛋、蔬菜) Rice soup with your choice of Egg or Vegetable米饭套餐 Rice set(Includes Soup and pickles) 清汤 Clear Soup 酱汤 Miso Soup 米饭 Rice 煎饺子 Pan-broil Dumplins 饭团两个(含酱汤、咸菜) Rice ball wrapped in dried seaweed with picked plums and broiled salmon served with miso soup and picked vegetables咖喱鸡肉饭 咖喱牛肉饭 叉烧炒饭 面类 Noodles茶味荞麦面 Green tae flavored buckwheat noodle 凉拌荞麦面或乌冬面 Buckwheat Noodle or white noodle(cold) 热汤荞麦面或乌冬面 Buckwheat Noodle or white noodle(warm) 锅烧乌冬面 Buckwheat noodle or white noodle with tempura in hot pot 酱油叉烧面 Roast pork Noodle 酱汤拉面 Miso Noodle 牛肉乌冬或荞麦面 Beef Udon Noodle 骨汤拉面 Pork soup noodle 排骨拉面 Pork Rib Noodle 蔬菜拉面 Mix Vegetable Noodle 激辣拉面 Hot Chili Noodle 日式凉面 Cold Noodle
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发布于 2016-04-10




